Par 4 chemins is a walk to the rhythm of yesteryear, stitch after stitch, hand in hand, we knit 4 sweaters a year. Céline will be your guide for these odysseys.
She will translate the mysterious languages and familiarize you with the techniques offered. The price of the ticket to board with us? The desire to get started, a little perseverance. But also, the pleasure of joining a community around the world and helping each other.
Then, then...that's it!
🙌 And it's free!
When does it start?
It starts on Sunday, February 7 at 10:10 AM EST and will continue every week at the same time, Sundays at 10:10 a.m.
What are we going to knit?
February, March and April 2021
✨ , 7$ (French & English)
May, June & July 2021
• $8 USD (English)
August, September & October 2021
• $9 USD (English)
All the details for the necessary material and wool !
November, December & January 2022
Bruyère, The Knitted House • Free $0 (French, English)
Details to come
Who is Celine Barbeau?
Before opening the warm boutique La Maison Tricotée, Céline Barbeau, 46 and originally from Paris, was a storyteller in France. Based in Quebec for 14 years, she can boast of having opened the first "Café-Tricot" in Montreal in 2013. Céline has been knitting for more than twenty years and has taught knitting at the cultural services of the University. of Montreal where more than 400 students have benefited from his knowledge.
A fiber artist, she creates patterns for knit accessories as well as small knit sculptures. Great passionate and always full of curiosity, she has already published several books on knitting.
Do you need help?
Do you need help choosing your wool and your material? Or for any questions? , or or . It will be our pleasure to help you.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.
Is it possible to view the live sessions at another time?
All sessions will be available a few minutes later. You can consult them at any time.
How do I ask questions during live sessions?
Use the comment function during the live session on Facebook and YouTube.
What is Slack? First time on Slack? Why Slack?
This allows us to have a dedicated space to gather. It's a big common "text message". We big “cat”. Some prefer Facebook, others prefer a dedicated and independent space like Slack.
Why Slack & YouTube? Slack does not support live video posting.
That's why a YouTube link will also be available to attend (and review) the course.